The Money Flow Co


Heal your relationship with money, pay off debt and learn how your money can make money with real estate and other investments

See The Money Flow Retreats in Action…

“I would like to share a brief testimony of my money flow journey since
participating in Nicole’s Money Flow retreat last year.
During our retreat together, I got very committed to understanding money
and my relationship to it!
Not only did we take a deep dive into the nitty gritty numbers that constitute
our finances, we also explored some of the more hidden thoughts,
behaviors and patterns that could be holding us back from experiencing the
kind of financial success we would like.
I have experienced some amount of stress and anxiety about money and
my finances for most of my life!
Taking a real look at how I was managing my finances was the first step.
Nicole provided us with so many practical tools such as having money
dates, setting up specific accounts for expenses and the most efficient
ways to eliminate debt.
Tracking my income and being pro-active in how I allocate money has
helped me to pay off debt I had on credit cards, as well as my car. Since
tracking it for 18 months now, I see my net worth consistently climbing bit
by bit.
I now have a plan in place for how to keep growing my savings, by paying
myself first every month. I started out with $100 and am now up to
contributing $1K a month to savings as my debt has been paid off.
More significantly though, addressing my more subconscious beliefs
around money and putting those to rest, allows me to enjoy a feeling of
peace and ease around my finances. I actually enjoy and feel empowered
by seeing where my money comes from and where it is going!
A heartfelt THANK YOU to Nicole…not just for your passion and skill in
leading the Money Flow retreat, but for your ongoing support in my
personal money journey!”

Christiane S.